
Due to modular components, Upscore can be easily tailored to your needs.

Data Platform

Editorial Tools

Content Recommender

Dynamic Paywall

Redaktionelle Metriken

Dashboard & Reports

Rich information and analytics tools tailored to the needs of dynamic publishing teams.

Live Dashboards

Trending topics and opportunities become immediately visible. Thus you always have an overview of the attention your content is currently generating and how users are accessing it.

Video Analytics

Each video is measured as a separate content object, regardless of how many different articles it's embedded in. With a unique level of detail on usage patterns.

Reporting & Analytics Dashboards

Everything you want to know about your content and its usage. With the metrics that are important for digital publishing: Views, dwell time, scroll depth, completion rate, social signals, internal re-circulation, traffic sources, taxonomies and more.

Audio Analytics

For podcasts and audio streams. With a comparable range of functions as for video analysis. Analogously, commercial breaks and subsequent bounces can also be measured here.

Content, Site and Group Perspective

You can switch between different perspectives in real-time - to either focus on the metrics for individual articles, the website perspective or an aggregation across all of your sites.

Image Gallery Analytics

Both perspectives on the usage of an image gallery can be analysed in parallel - as an overall content object or each image individually.

Management of hybrid content-propositions

Premium-Content Ready

All live dashboards, reports and segmentations work also with parameters which are important for premium content and premium usage. So you can monitor, analyse and manage free and premium content combined but also separately.

Premium Content Segmentation

Premium content and premium usage are specially marked and easy to select, including all engagement data.

Subscriptions and Leads in Real-time

New subscriptions and leads can be monitored in real-time. Our special procedure also provides information on the converting article, the traffic source and the device type.

User Status

The recording of the user status, e.g. subscriber, registered, anonymous, enables deep insights into the use of individual content.

Conversion Rates

Dedicated real-time dashboards and reports make it easy to monitor which articles are currently converting best.


For each article view, it can be marked whether the access was restricted by a hard paywall, timewall or metered wall.


Minute-by-minute reporting on new subscriptions, cancellations and the subscriber-base. Including breakdowns by contract type, trial status and more.


Homepage Management Tools

Real-time tools to maximise homepage effectiveness. This makes it easy to optimise the content teaser selection and increase click-through rates.

Position Score & On-Screen-Display

Via the 'on-screen display' you can see in real-time how attractive the individual contents are for the visitors, as well as the performance of the individual teasers and positions in comparison.

Automated Headline Testing

The headline of each article can be easily tested against different alternatives. Upscore performs the statistical tests and automatically delivers the best headline to all future visitors.


Content-Scoring & Info-management

Tools that help to inform and manage.

Content Score

Using the content score, it is easy to assess which posts best achieve your goals. You determine how the various traffic and engagement parameters are weighted.

Reporting Emails

Automated and personalised distribution of information also to larger groups of recipients. The contents can be flexibly defined so that special information needs are also met. With deep links to the corresponding boards in Upscore.

Content Score Plus+

An extended form of scoring in which premium content parameters can also be taken into account, for example conversions to subscriptions.


Real-time data for large monitors - so the entire newsroom always has the latest trends and status in view. Highly flexible, with thousands of possible setting combinations.


Content-Recommendation Platform

A highly efficient solution for automated recommendations of your most attractive posts according to your goals. Might your goals be internal recirculation, the increase of engagement or segmented premium content promotions.


Based on real-time trend analysis and flexible settings, the algorithms continuously identify the best to be recommended content.

User Group Targeting

Depending on the user group, different recommendations can be displayed, which further increases the relevance of the boxes.

Intelligent Recommendation-Boxes

Boxes in your design, always up to date and with quality-assured content achieve far above-average click rates.


Our clients have full control over all aspects of the recommendation processes.

Subscriber acquisition

Dynamic Paywall

Real-time applications to maximize sales success. With these powerful tools, you can reach different target groups with the right offers in an uncomplicated, fast and varied way and increase your conversions.

Target Groups

Easy creation of granular user segments in real time. This makes it easy to reach not only large but also small and "peak" target groups. "One offer fits all" has had its day.

Uncomplicated Implementation

Can be implemented on the customer side without a major IT project. The set-up of the platform itself is automated or taken over by the Upscore team.


Flexible rule settings make it possible to offer different models such as premium, flexible metering,  upselling and different offers, designs and price points at the same time.

Detailed performance Insights

In real time, you can track and assess the performance of individual offers, the various models and the conversion rates at article level.

Paywall-Template Editor

The editor is already integrated. With that, new offers, designs, texts and campaigns can be created immediately and very easily. The use of your own HTML templates is also possible without any problems.

Would you like more information about Upscore?

Let's talk.


Data Platform

Upscore offers easy access to a large and flexible real-time data infrastructure that is highly configurable per website.

Our data platform has also been purpose-built for digital publishing and includes the modern concepts and level of detail required for this.

  • Proprietary measurement methodology and infrastructure
  • Web crawler, social crawler
  • Customisable data collection
  • Real-time processing
  • Detailed data, no sampling
  • Common data core for all applications
  • Video, audio with particle logic
  • APIs, feeds, real-time data streams


Data Protection

We take privacy and data protection very seriously. We work on behalf of publishers, to help them primarily understand the quality and impact of their content. Upscore is built in such a way that it does not collect any personal data by default. Upscore does not set cookies.

Whatever we do for you, it remains your data.

  • Hosting in Germany, German operator
  • High security standard
  • Usable without personal data
  • Upscore does not set cookies

Additional Services

Individual solutions

Many customisation options are automatically available to you. But if something special comes up, be it reporting requirements, data analyses, measurement in native apps, data transfer to third-party systems or something else, we will be happy to find an individual solution for you.


We are happy to advise our clients on areas of our expertise, such as data strategy, developing a data culture, content and site management, conversion and subscription management.

We also work with a network of partner companies and proven specialists in the areas of SEO, CMS, editorial organisation, monetisation and subscription billing.